Monday, March 26, 2007

Baby is MIA

So baby is gone away for the whole week.

That means I get to turn up the heat, turn up the music and run around the apartment. I get to eat whatever I want or not eat at all if I choose not wondering "what's for dinner?" I get to dress down in sweats and t-shirts cause no one is going to notice or care. I can stay up late and wake up late because I have the car....

I am Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo f-ing lonely. Like the whole house feels so empty. I miss him it is unbelieveavle. I am usually the one who goes away for weeks and months and he doesn't mind. He has been gone for like three days and I am already begging him to come home. He doesn't return until Monday morning. Meaning I am going to be by myself for exactly One week and one and half days (he left on Saturday). And he is in Florida. Which isn't like me going to Baltimore, I mean he is miles and miles away. Damn I can't even take a train or drive down in 4 hours to see him. What the hell

Last night I couldn't sleep. I heard everything my neighbors were doing! Disgusting

Woke up this morning grouchy and I actually missed the fact that he wasn't here to say "Good morning and how are we today?" or the insistant rapping on the door cause I am wasting time on my face!

I have become dependant on him.
What makes it worse is that I have no cell phone so I can't call anyone (including him). But I have the car so I can' drive wherever I want whenever I want. Not that living in this hick town there is anywhere to drive to! In otherwords, the next few days are going to be full of sleep, gym and school work. I will fill my days with work and exhaust myself that way I am not missing him too much.
Somebody CALL ME!


Kafo said...

u r sooo spruuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnng

Lady A said...

Heheheee, you have me laughing. Girl please, now is the time to enjoy this little bit of quiet time and do you. So when he comes back, BAM! Reconfirm all the reasons why he wants to marry you. Don't act needy, play it cool. Lol.

Poetic Justice said...

Yeah, I think that I was getting a little clingy but I think the break is good.d and Yes Kafo when you get good love... you get sprung! Permanently. So yeah about those walls we were talking about...

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