Sunday, October 1, 2006


My birthday is coming up. I know vixen yours is like tomorrow so don't worry you will get your tribute.

But back to me since this is my blog. And my baltimore family is coming down to party with me. Two things about me that people don't know because I am like this tough chick
1. I am absolutely loyal
2. I am absolutely selfish with the people I am loyal to

So you can imagine my thrill that my baltimore family doesn't know anyone in my hick town to go visit. They are coming for just ME! I am so spoiled! LOVE IT!

So I downloaded some music by this band called The Shins. I think they are pretty good. I was watching Garden State for the twelfth time and I fell for the soundtrack so I downloaded the whole thing.

My boy Morgan and I were talking in school yesterday during study hall and he was letting me know about some new Indi concerts coming to town. Since there really isn't anyting else to do I might just go.

Baby and I were supposed to go for the Nigerian Independence day party in New York this passing weekend but we have so much reading to do for school that we opted out. So we spent the day reading. I went to study hall etc. I am sure by next year when things are a bit more settled I will be more "nysnc" plus my girl T was supposed to come up and because she just got back from Nigeria, I couldn't in all good faith party without her...

That being said, Happy Birthday Nigeria.

I wonder at this time and age what Nigeria feels it has accomplished. Some people compare Nigeria to America but I wonder if at the age that Nigeria is right now could America have competed in the Modern day market. I doubt it. I think we have done well for ourselves. I think we should pat ourselves on the back. That being said we should also make a greater effort to improve. And Improvement starts with us as individuals. I applaud those who have already gone back and started to boost the economy I just can't wait for my turn. Get my life in order and contribute to my country, make my mark.

To close my tribute to our nation I must say this, even if you don't make your mark in Nigeria or America at large. Make your mark on the people who you come in contact with. Don't let them forget (in a positive way) that there are some Nigerias out there that respect themselves, work hard, shun curruption and have goals and ambitions. And for those reading who are not Nigerian, not all of us are 419 remember to generalize is to be ignorant!

Enjoy your Independence and Call me!

Holla back!


Unknown said...

can't wait mehn...

Poetic Justice said...

I know girl!

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