Last night I went to a concert. Let me preface by saying that the artist I went to see was someone who I only know two of his songs. A cross between Jason Blunt and Justin Timberlake, Robin Thicke has an amazing sound (at least the two songs that I know) and a cute ass smile.
Okay so last night my girlfriends, and my girls fiance (the one of the them that is getting married) and I (if that is confusing just T, D, L and "Uncle A") go to D.C. to see a free concert featuring Robin Thicke (mind you again I only know two of his songs) I was all excited in the car for three reasons.
One: We made a detour stop at chipotle on the way to the concert
Two: I was hanging out in Baltimore/DC my old stomping ground with my fav. peoples.
Three: The concert was free.
So, after munching down on the worlds best burrito ever (Chipotle should call me for endorsments I have been giving them) we head to the concert looking cute. Did I mention that my girl T kept stopping traffic, yeah she is like really gorgeous! That is a different story for a different day, but just on a side note Big ups to T who has that look like in the movie Memoirs of a Geisha where guys just stare and bump into poles, not that that happened last night but then again this is not about T, its about how we became Fans of Thicke.
Soooooooooooooooooooooo, here we are at the door waiting to be let in, we got there late but who cares right? We finally get in, order and drink and come to the realization (after I got schtooped out of my money by a stupid ass bartendar) that we had missed the concert (boooooooooo) but Thicke was still in the building and we could meet and get autographs. (yeahhhhhhhhhh)
We walk languidly upstairs of Club Avenue (pictures will come later) and you know start dancing having a good time and then Thicke graced us with his presence by walking by (insert scream here) My wonderful friend T jumped up next to him and was so close he was holding her but of course the cameras chose this time to fail us but it was very bold and savvy of her. We then got in line to get our moment with Thicke.
At this point let me say that i was feeling a littel star struck. The closest I have ever come to a celebrity was in concert (well except for Acappella and Mark Schultz but they are Christian artists so i wasn't thaaaaaaaat goo goo over that, okay maybe i was but then again back to Thicke). L-pop had us laughing cuz she was getting a photo moment when a stage hand walked infront of D when she was taking her picture, she kicked at him and missed him barely even Thicke thought that was funny. When my turn came I was smiling with my jackajacak teeth from ear to ear, and he asked me my name I said "B_________" he goes is that with a u or an o? How the hell did he know that (i was now in awe) then we sit down and while he is writing down my name on his picture he goes "Such a pretty name for a pretty girl" and i say in the lamest of ways "It's Nigerian" What the fuck! Okay I am bar far the biggest embarassment like he is sitting there really interested in where the hell my name comes from. He probably was thinking in his mind "I don't care, move it along, just buy my damn album, next please" Anyway, I got to pose with him and then stepped onto the dance floor and had a good time. (I did touch his knee twice when he commented on my dog tags but instead of saying thank you or something smart I touched his knee and grinned like a fool from ear to ear showing the flying daggers! Ugh! I am officially a disgrace!)
My girl T on the other hand looked every bit the sexy madam that she is and even in her pose with Thicke you would think they were a celebrity couple. Do i here matchmaker? D and I are determined to get to the bottom of how to match those to up (yea lik we have the power to do so)
As I played tetris on my cell phone all the way home, I realized that I did miss hanging out with my girls! and i did miss being around Nigerians where I fit in and I did miss Baltimore!
All in all it was a splendid evening. Next stop ...don't know yet but summer is looking really bright. Am I groupie? I think not after all it wouldn't have ment so much if my bmore family wasn't there with me
To read a different version, a more interesting one, and view pictures of the event visit D's blog
Sounds like a blast! Why wasn't I invited? Humpf
oops! uhm ...yeah, Sorry?! uhm...wanna come next time?
Those pix rock! I'm so jealous. Yeah, T was really doing the model thing.
Hey Chris!!! How ya been girl? You ain't blogged in a hot minute.
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