Soccer madness is here. And with it comes another oppurtunity to party. My girl T and I went last night to a "Soccer 2006 Kick-Off party" at club UltraBar. We were supposed to dress in the colors of our favorite team and since Nigeria didn't make it (because olodo ni wan) we ended up repping for any team that had brown, blue, white and black, oh and orange!
Arriving at the place wasn't a problem but getting into the place was. We were in the most disorganized line you can imagine for like almost an hour. This one guy wanted to give us twenty bucks so he could cut us in line. We weren't having it. I mean you just show up and we that have been lining up all this time...we are not so easily bought. I mean he could have slipped us a one hundred dollar bill, then I probably would have negotiated but twenty...nope! not tat cheap!
Anyway, some funny "you should have been there" moments happened and we finally got into the bar. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun. We danced, and caught a little soccer (at least we must have glanced at the screen a few times) but we did dance. And we were so tired leaving but it was worth it.
Well what do i have planned for the weekend? uhm ...Dr. Ifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii is having a party for her graduation so we are heading out there on Sunday. uhmmmmmmm ...and then mayb a bar or a club tonight. who knows? It is summer and we are living it up!
Thanks for driving T! I am having a blast! Hurry back D so much fun is still to be had, miss you already!
1 comment:
I think Ima have to stop reading your blog for a while. Just to get the green out of my eyes;)
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