About four/five years ago (I am not sure) when I first moved to Baltimore I had a pose. Yep! That's right! I ran in a crew with Nigerian girls from College Park. The only people I knew outside of the College park frew were T and her siblings because we had attended the same school at Ubalt (T hates it when I say that! E ma binu oh!).
Anyway, my sister, vixen, my pose, and I partied a lot. We went clubbing and hung out and lived it up. We had barbeques, we went to the beach (thrice) took road trips to N.Y., and N.J. and M.I. We had toooooo much fun. Afterall it was the summer before everyone was going to Medical school (everyon except for me that is) and/or graduating from whatever respect that they had done.
I hung out with T a lot in those days to. We must have gone out every single night in the months of June-August.
Fastforward to this weekend. Dr. Ifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii was having a graduation party. Wow! First of all I have to scream at Nigerians. What the hell is the matter with you people. Always coming late. The program said we would start at 4:00. You decide to show up at 7:00 talking about oh! the party can start now. You are f-ing late. The sad part is this, the hostess had to put down more money so that we could have more time because yourr dumb ass decided to show up late! If you show up late to my wedding the door is going to be locked So just turn around and go home. And then you have the audacity to start making noise. Time out! You come late and then you make noise and start posing when they ask you to dance. Oh! and you didn't even spray the celebrant and got upset when I didn't invite you to the high table. Your ass was late! give it a rest jare.
Where was, oh yeah...wow! The room was decorated like a wedding. There was beautiful dimed lighting with candles and rose center peices and beautfiul red napkins with whit table clothes. The D.J. was a well known guy who was really good and the dancing was off the hook. And of course the whole pose was there reunited (except for two, Vixen wasn't there (boo!) and Ty wasn't there). We cut loose on the dance floor. I was the Mistress of Ceremony so I really didn't get a full chance to dance like i would have liked but it was a lot of fun!
And the food was excellent! I ate so much food, it was ridiculous!(did i spell that right) and then Aunty Y gave me a huge tray of food to take back to my girl's place. Anyway, no eating out for another week. In fact as i am typing this blog, omo, I am sitting with a plate of party rice and some dodo (fried plantain) and to my left we have a bottle of Coca Cola!
I think I am going to chill a bit this week and work on the invitations unless there is another party to go to then i am all up on that like ... ( let me not say what i was going to say jare)
Next stop....Nigerian Entertainment Awards and then Road Trip! K is coming back into town next week for Birthday so there is another party then and then...I am going back home to CT and my baby! This has been to much fun! later kiddos
Man, I'm missing the party rice o! Sounds like you had fun. Did you get some pix. You know it's posse right?
Omo you can enjoy it at Our causin's wedding jare. I kow it's Posse the question is why spell it right when everyon knows what the hell I am talking about.
Yep I took pictures, for my scrap book. Pictures are coming soon
Love yah!
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