Thursday, March 8, 2007

Here I am again...

Despite the fact that I have been swamped with work and school I have managed to read some blogs in the last few days. And then to my surprise I stop by my own blog to see if anyone is "vibing" and who do I find back from the grave of no bloggin? CHRISTIN.

Now you may remember her from her previous blog "Why I hate my husband" Well after she reached her reason #100 she disappeared and I always wondered if she would ever come back? Well she did and boy am I glad, blogosphere was missing her real quick wit and charm. Welcome back girl!

In other news what is going on with my life?

Well baby was sick and then I got the chills right after my great weekend with the girls which by the way I can't even begin to go into. I still need to upload the pictures but with being sick and all the tests in school I had this week, I don't know if I am up to the challenge. Anyway, I feel a lot better now.

So I got into a verbal battle at the Management club meeting. Let me preface by saying that I am not an angry person, I don't recommend that people act foolish around me because I will put you in your place but I am not an angry person.

Okay so this semester there is this guy in our club that I will call Idiot. Now Idiot has been a member since last year when he defected from his Finance club to join our club because he felt that the Finance club president was "A bitch" . Those were his exact words. Anyway, he ran for Vice-President and lost by all the votes. The only person who voted for him was himself. The Vice-President who I will call Shy-girl is very laid back.

So the two meetings ago Idiot came in with his palm pilot and started rambling on and on about how he has contacts all over NY stock exchange and Bloomberg and how he can get us an tour to go visit these places. He rattles off a whole bunch of other names and numbers of contacts and interupts the president like twenty times. He cut me off a bunch of times to which I was really pissed but didn't say anything.

After the meeting I told the President that as the Provost and Secretary of the club that I really do not appreciate this "defector" and how he belittles others. The President said we should just let it go. So the next meeting he kept saying stuff like " I have to go so what else is there that we need to talk about" and so on. Just rushing us through our meeting and making things very disorderly. I got realy mad but didn't say anything

Now to the latest events for which I am happy but irritated with myself.

Yesterday we had a meeting and I am irritable because I am coming off of the flu. The President couldn't make it but I could and so could the VP and Treasurer. I was late because I had to come from the other campus to the Business campus in order to make the meeting. So the meeting had already started. We were discussing the presentation for the Dean of the School fo Business that we were going to have on April 18th

Advisor: Why haven't we gotten the plaque
Shy-girl: Well the President was in charge but I will take over..
IDIOT: you have too much to do, so who wants to get the plaque raise your hand if you want to get the plaque

Me: Uhm...the president is in charge if the president
Idiot: The president didn't get it and so someone should volunteer. Obviously he doesn't have time

Me: it's not becuase of time its because of
Idiot: Well he didn't get it so who wants to get the plaque

Me (getting irritated because idiot keeps inturrupting me again): The vice-president was speaking and she said she would
Idiot: Look she has too much to do so someone should just nominate themselves to get the plaque

IDIOT: Ohhhhh! Someone is getting angry

Me: Let people land! The VP said she would assist the President in getting it done
IDIOT: Well let her say it she didn't say it

Me: She would if you would stop Interrupting everyone. (then i turn to the advisor) Please continue sir.

After about ten minutes the guy gets up and leaves.

Okay that may not have seemed to warrant me shouting at him but you have to understand, I have the PMS thing going and I am just getting off my flu meds and I was irritable, plus the guy is an asshole. After he left I nominated that we elect a meeting monitor to ensure that the meeting is in order, that people follow the protocol and allow others to speak and that things run smoothly. It was carried by all. Of course he wasn't there to vote but I sure would have put the motion on the floor if he had been there.

First of all you little shit! you are a sophomore and you are nothing to me. I don't care if your father is a director at Bloomberg and you decide tomorrow that you want to be his asskisser. I don't care what the fuck you do at school and how the hell you do it. I don't care that you have an office and work for the school with your stupid poofy hair! I don't give a shit. So while you continue to live in lala land I will move on you stupid peice of crap! and let me further tell you that if you so much as inturrupt me again, I am slapping the shit out of you with my tongue. CAPRENDE?

Ode osi!

That is my life as a Sr. What's going on with you guys?

1 comment:

Naijadude said...

Some people just love being obnoxious, cant really blame them. I think its okay once in awhile to let go and tell them to shut up...hmm there's a level one persevere!

Have a good week

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