Speaking to me from the other side of the subway
I read the sorrow that belies who you are
The wrinkles at your corners tell me
Life has been hard
Yet you glance at the infant in your arms
And smile
I see what others don't see
I see strength beneath the layers of fatigue
You have overcome another day and live to fight
Another day
I see that and I smile in my heart
Knowing that you will pass on this spirit to your young
Knowing hope is not lost
Your eyes have given me confidence to take on another day... (Poem written in 2004)
What is going on in the world people? I feel so disconnected from everything because of where I live so I rely on you for updates. Feel free to update your blogs. I live vicariously through you! My sister Vixen got published in the February edition of Essence and even though the drama is not settled I still went out and bought ten copies and handed them out to friends on campus just so that the sales could be affected in my little village and she can get recognition. If only she would be focused enough to finish some of the damn books she has started that a really good.
Some people don't know how valuable and talented they are...
In other news. I am swamped down with homework. I have taken on the leadership role in all my groups at school because I realize that if I don't do that, people will just do their standard of work and then i will get a grade that is not quality. That is what happened last semester and now I am stuck with an F-ing B+ which by the way has ruined any chance of me getting a 4.0 GPA to graduate.
I had a conversation with my mother which went like this:
Mom: Are you still breaking out?
Me: No
Mom: Well stop breaking out because we were all worried that you are too stressed. How many classes do you have this semester
Me: Seven as always
Mom: so then what is stressing you if it is just seven classes.
Me: Wedding and the drama with -----
Mom: Then stop having drama and focus on school.
Me: Yes Mommy
Mom: In fact, don't think! Just study...
Gotta love your mother putting life in plain view. "Don't think just study!". Well Mommy dearest I kind of need to think to be able to comprehend what I am studying.
I had posted previously that I was going to start collecting wine from the 1990s to present for future wine and cheese parties well... I found a 1995 bottle of Chardonnay and was really excited. I bid on it and won so it is going to arrive tomorrow. I can't wait. I have to buy a wine rack again cause the first one I had is full (25 bottles) so Baby and I are shopping for kitchen Islands with wine rack compartments. I like the one at Ikea.
I started working out in school everyday (1 & 1/2 hours cardio and 30min weights) and I am on a strict vegan diet. I have to fit that size 6 wedding gown. I refuse to have flab on my wedding day. So from now on I will be including weekly updates on the blog for inches and pounds lost. Who knows next time you see me I will running around in a bikini!
Okay that is all folks. I have your blogs to read.
1 comment:
take it easy, chica. even i didn't fit into a size 6. try a 12! remember wedding gowns run 2 sizes larger. don't do drastic. simple lifestyle changes that are easy to keep are the best way for permanent weight loss!!! good luck!
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