Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Deans List Fall 06

Last semester they forgot to put my name on the damn list but this semester they didn't! YEAH! Okay so there are a lot of people on the list but in the management department only 15 of us made it so I am like so on point!

Check it out at www.wcsu.edu/academics/deanslist/

It is alphabetical so you woult have a hard time finding my name (and no it isn't poetic justice).

Right now I am about to do some more studying because we have this big ass test coming up. So car I hate my classes but my friends are in all of them so that is kind of great.

Later people

P.S: My lawyer and his secretary are both morons and I am too pissed off to even begin to describe the calamity of what they have just done! Please pray that everything gets straightened out.


Anonymous said...

oh girl, change ur addy unless ur really moving back for real! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! congrats chica.

Poetic Justice said...

Don't mind the school jare! i asked them to change my addy last year but they didn't so whatever. I wanna move back to my comfort zone. These people are driving me crazy!

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