Last night my girl and I were watching T.V. and I turned to her and said "Wow, the week went by so fast I can't believe tomorrow is Saturday". She gave me a weird look and said "Tomorrow is Friday," Of course I vehemently denied and was sure I was right. reaching for my cell phone I realized (foolishly) that I have lost track of my days.
This is what happens when you are not doing anything productive. I am NOT complaining.
I went to IKEA yesterday and on my way out started singing "if I was a rich girl". So my aunt and uncle in NY have got me hooked on IKEA. In the begining I used to make fun of vixen who went to IKEA because i thought that well the stuff was to "retro" for me. But I am now an IKEA addict.
I just thought of something, I have been promoting a lot of stuff on my blog, Chipotle, IKEA, Music etc. Since "many" people have started reading my blog, I think I am a blogging celebrity and should start getting paid for my endorsements.
I NEED THE MONEY, HELP! no just kidding but on the real though...Call me!
You've been tagged. Details on my blog
u are supposed to fill the meme out and post it on your blog. not tag me back jare.
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