Tuesday, May 9, 2006


Perhaps this is the only option that has saved my roomies from total anahilation (is that the spelling?) So after fuming and going to my class, I got a text from my sane side (baby) so I knet down and prayed to calm down. I prayed to get patience. I prayed to calm down.

The thing about prayer is this...It works at its own time. I am still heated. I am still pissed. I am still not patient.

PS: I dare someone to drink the juice. Take a sip just once! yes! someone drank it cuz it was sitting in the trash when i got back from class. Now I dare someone to talk to me about it. Just open your fucking mouth and say something to me for once! I dare you...but while I am sitting here let me kneel down and pray...

1 comment:

Vixen said...

Nawao for dis drama o!

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