Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It's Over!

Yep! I have talked it out! I have let it go! I have spoken my mind and I am at peace! Thank God! I finally told her how I feel. I said the following

Okay_______________, I know you may not have time or whatever but can you answer just one question for me? What question did you answer in your mind that allowed you justify putting my shit on the floore?


What justification do you have for putting my stuff on the floor? if you can give me a legitimate answer it would be nice

"Are you still mad about that?"

I just want to know why you did it? I have sat back and thought about it. I mean whatever applies to you must apply to me. So if you can justify it then maybe tomorrow I can take your stuff and stick it on the floor in the toilet. That way we are both on the same page. So explain your rationale

"Whatever, _______________ you are always so anal about stuff"

" No I am attempting keep myself from getting diseases and germs from this fungi invested dorm. I am attempting to stay healthy as I struggle through the last week in this pigsty. So if you are going to say I am anal, don't forget I am an anal retentive bitch that likes stuff clean.


"Is that your final answer?"


"Is that your final answer?"


"Okay let me let you know, that as much as I would have liked to leave you with a piece of my mind, I find that you are not worth the effort, so just take this into context! I attempted to allow you to explain yourself and since you have failed to do so, STAY OUT OF MY SHIT! I will not be so nice if you ever so much as touch my stuff without asking me. Matter of fact you do you and I will do me and we don't even have to speak until the end of the next week. Have a great day!"

"I am not going to fight you _________"

"I would advise you not to try!" (Exit me!)

Yeah man! i killed it. Go go go go go. I turned up Jay-Z on my Ipod and bounced out the suite.

P.S: Someone drank it! Hah! I am off to New York tomorrow to hang with my fav. Aunty and my pose! What a way to end the week! I am the bomb!


Anonymous said...

"I would advise you not to try!" (Exit me!)

Omo that was the shit....i wish i way there

Bitch must've have learnt her lesson.

PS: You too don't eat or drink anything in the apartment o! hehheh !

Vixen said...

LOL, you are thoroughly evil. I trained you well. Enjoy your weekend.

Poetic Justice said...

Omo, She better have learnt her lesson. I am fasting during my finals so I am not eating or drinking anything exept bottled water and canned fruit!

And I buy both at the cafe before I get to my room so I am safe!

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