Monday, May 1, 2006

Blessed be the tide that binds...

Okay when I was growing up there was this hymn that the always sang at our church. For all of you church going people you will know by the title the hymn that I am talking about. Isn't that the most boring hymn you have ever heard...

Well they sang it in church this past Sabbath and I had flashbacks to funerals and weddings with this damn song. That is all I have to say about that.

To more interesting news.

What is up with us women. One minute we are dissing and cussing out a brother the next we are like "I love you baby, I am sorry" Okay it all started three weeks ago. My roomy and her man had a big fight! I mean huge! with words being said like " Fuck You Nigga, I hate your stinking ass, I would never fuck you! Yeah that's right, get the f- out of my bed, I hate your guts" kinda cussing out and the guy saying words like "bitch, ho, skank ass pussy!" and other stuff that I swear I will not mention. Plus the word liar and untrustworthy, cheating bastard were thrown aroudn without a care.

I for one would never return to a relationship where my very woman hood is disrespected. Now what did she do? well this morning I arrive after a very long weekend (don't ask) to find him once again in my dorm room asleep in her bed. Wait weren't you guys like broken up as of last week. What happened over the weekend that changed her from a skank to your lover? How inconsistent this generation is!

Now not all women are idiots, for istance my homegirl gave her triffling man the boot and I wish I had been there because he doesn't deserver her and I know she ain't never going back cuz she respects herself more than that.

What is the point of my rant today.

What binds you in your relationship? what elements would you put up with and for how long? What things has he/she done to you that you keep taking? How much of your self-respect are you letting go by being with him? Has love blinded you to the reality of how much you are loosing? Are you on the path to self destruction? I think so!

There is no way that I would ever consider letting a man who talks to me like that in my bed let alone in my life again. Once bitten, divas, twice shy!



Vixen said... to know how many peeps are actually reading your blog. Set it up, and I'll install it for you.

As for the other stuff...who tossed her man over? T? D?? I wanna know!!!


Poetic Justice said...

Definately not D! And since she is reading this blog I have to say that Vixen means no harm she is only being nosy as always. And please don't diss-invite us to the wedding oh!


Dami said...

shu!!! b's got wedding duties. t, u betta show up at the naija one, or else.... (i'll be sending out details)

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