Friday, April 21, 2006

Why We Can't Be Friends

Okay so you have some questions about why me and her can't be friends. Well, the truth of the matter is that the drama that he presents is really to much for me. WE live in a small Naija community where everyone hears about everyone's business. I would rather keep myself out of the spotlight when it comes to what I know and my business. So by cutting ties with him, I realize that I would have to cut ties with her.

In order to preserve my good name (and my father's because we know that what affects us affects our parents) I took a step back and as much as it hurts till today...well I have to accept it.

I try not to dwell on what could have been and what has been and I focus on the present. What I gained. Peace of mind. Not worrying that he will come up with another lie I have to defend, not worrying that she doesn't trust me and doubting my own self worth as a friend. Not hearing lies about myself from people I could care less about. NOt getting obscene calls at odd hours of the day from people that shouldn't even know my name...

Shit like that makes you realize that you are probably better off for it. She choose him, I take a step away (more like run away). I am happy for her because she is happy. I am sad because we are not friends but that is the oppurtunity cost you pay for making choices (ha! school is making head way in my brain!)

On a happier note! I wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Okay seriously on a happier note! Five more things I would never say: (am I taking this I would never say crap too far?)

1. I think you are divine and if you weren't so concieted I would tell you

2. uhm...and you love him because?

3. riddle me this? how dumb do you have to be to know that you and I can never be?

4. okay i haven't heard from your ass in years and now you wanna do what? get a life!

5. adios mon amigos! never again!

Some things that are never said will eat at you and give you an ulcer. Let it out in whatever way you can. Say it to thier face, write a song, write a poem, write a blog. do what you can to release yourself of that burden because until you do, that person has a hold on you!

Have a great weekend people

P.S I didn't find a damn dress! so I am wearing my naija outfit. Fuck what you think! I will represent jare!


Anonymous said...

If the friendship between you and her is so great, can you not be friends with her without being friends with him?

What's a Niaja community?

Vixen said...

Naija community---Nigerian community.

Knowing both of them personally, I have to say Anon, she can't be friends with her without being friends with him. Mainly because they are a close couple, she tells him everything about Poetic and then he misconstrues it or lies about it and then tells other Nigerians.

very convoluted but that's the deal.

Poetic Justice said...

That's right vixen. By the way anonymous, what is your obsession with this my friend? In my culture, if two people are together, let them seperate but don't be the reason for the seperation.

I would have kept going but if you can't trust your friend and your friend can't trust you, then do you really have a friendship. What is the basis of your relationship? is it worth it?

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