Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Are You Tired?

I am exhausted even before I wake up and then I get to tired to sleep... running around in the cirlce, the cypha of earth, I try to find a moment to breathe, take in the sunshine, take in the day, or the snow outside my window...pain? yes another joint hurts as I try to recall what period, day or second it is on this planet called earth...(Trying to move on, 2004)

I am exhuasted!

That is all i have to say about that...
Okay so uhm have you guys been following the news lately. Isn't it funny how gossip spreads. Check it out

"Vice-Presdent Dick Chaney accidentally shot a bird at close range harming his co-hunters. The victim is not in critical condition"

this of course evolved to

"Vice President, Dick Chaney accidentaly shot a person while on a hunting trip"

Ah the beauty of evolution is this

"Vice President, Dick Chaney shot a person, the victim is now in critical condition"

See what I am saying. The facts is the guy was in range and accidently got shot, also the fact is that he suffered a stroke a few days later. But did the VP put a gun to his head and land him in the hospital, well on account of the witness no he did not.

Part II
My Organizational Behavior class was interesting along with my Psych class. Both classes I took tests on (personality tests) they morphed into this: I have trust issues and I view the human raise with a negative perspective. How sad! NOT!
Considering all the shit I have gone through with people and thier beautiful abilities to spin the truth or spread untruths, I can understand why I have morphed into this person. That is not to take anything away from those of you who trust people and feel that there is good in everyone...

What am I saying, could it be that the new me is a result of what I have experienced? Could it be that we are all who and what we are because of who and what we have encountered? Do these encounters make us any better or worse? and why do we long for the Past even though the past hurts?

Well at least I am learning in class, if not getting answers....

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