Friday, February 9, 2007

I am officially Sick

First of all let me apologise formally to Mr. Olawunmi! I read your blog and you are really deep but becaues of typo and my psychi i made a serious error. That doesn't mean people shouldn't check out the blog though! It is relaly cool

I caught that nasty bug that has been going around my campus this week. I thought I was immune but I didn't realize that I was and now I have a serious sickness so don't come around me. I feel sorry for Baby because I have been coughing non-stop and that is ridiculous. I have a sore throat and really bad headaches and I think I am about ready to just die from dehydration even though i have been drinking water and juice like my life depended on it!

So if you don't hear from me for a few days know that I am a very sick person right now...

Pray for me!


Kafo said...

u will survive

Anonymous said...

lol @ u will survive.
gotta love

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