Friday, January 26, 2007

Better Part of My Week...

Was spent trying to get my classes in order.

Big ups to Menty for coming through. Seriously I don't know what I will do without you. Anyway, I realize now that I am very anal and that I need to take a break. I mean seriously. I was so busy worrying about school this week I didn't even think about my wedding. It just shows you what my first love is.

I realize now (thanks to some serious insighte from Dami, Tope and Baby) that the wedding is secondary. The realy joy is actually comitting and spending your life with someone

That person who keeps forgeting to put his damn cup in the sink! Seriously what is it with guys and being forgetful. I mean I know not all guys are forgetful but what I hate most is rolling over the next morning and being confronted with your juice cup from the night before. Why do I hate this? because there is always that peice of dried up juice at the bottom that refuses to get washed out in the dishwasher so I have to spend the better part of the morning trying to reach and scrap it out (making that irritating noise) and curse you all the while.

But I am truly madly in love.!.

Okay enough gushing!

I am not a morning person. Anyone who has slept over or had me sleep over knows that I don't pop awake smiling and saying "Time to take on the day!" I open one eye at a time and then take my time getting out of bed and then have devotion. And it is after two beautiful cups of Green Tea and one very scalding hot shower that I finally allow myself to appreciate the day.

So why do I have a 8:00am class this semester. God hates me is what it is! either he hates me or he just wants to play another joke at my expense. I mean seriously! the only class that I need to graduate and they have only one of it this semster. And guess what time that is?! Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:55 to 8:35am! WTF !

There goes sleeping late to the daily show. At least I will be able to make work at 9:00am. By the way I can't work Monday-Wednesda because I have class from 7 to 4 and then from 5:30-10pm. This is going to be my hardest semster. And I have three math classes. Don't ask me how I ended up with three but i have three.

Baby said that two out of the three are not math classes but finance class. Okay you tell me if you have to do statistics and then calculus is that not math?! Thank you!

Wish me luck

P.S: This weekend my fav. Brother in-law to be is moving so baby and I are going up to help him! And as you can see I am doing much better about all that emotional garbage that has been going on. I have decided to let go just like that song by Frou Frou! You should really listen to it!

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