Monday, July 3, 2006

The Trials of GreyHound

Before I tell you how I found myself sleeping till past 1:00pm I would like to take a moment and write a letter to my bmore family. Now if you don't want to hear anything sappy please forward your eyes to the bottom of the page to here my trials but to my bmore family here is an open letter:

Dear T, D and Uncle 'Drew:

How do I begin to say how much fun I had thanks to you guys. The driving, the clubing, the shopping, back and forth trips to D.C., Robin Thicke, Naija Entertainment Awards, the food, the suya, and all my Kholi Sahib moments!

In essence what I am trying to say (and failing miserably) is that my summer would not be complet, my summer would not have been fun, my summer would have fallen short without you guys in my life. Your hospitality and your wonderful amazing superb friendship was needed, appreciated and loved.

Thank you doesn't begin to express how I feel, but thank you will have to do for now until "Webster" and all the other dictionary people come up with better ways to say thanks when thank you is not enough.

I will see u soon on the "hills 9 zero 2 1 zero" and uhm..."Dabu" International Limited will continue...

Love you guys

Okay my trials on greyhound.

I haven't taken greyhound in years. Baby decided that (ever since I almost got physically assaulted i.e. guy kept talking about my boobs) I would never ride a greyhound again. So I took amtrak or I flew (I hate to fly). But because I was coming to N.Y. in the early morning I felt it would be more convinient for me to take a direct greyhound bus to Queens instead of catching an amtrak and then having to "schlep" (tribute to aunty ayo) my crap all over N.Y. to get to Queens Village.

First of all I had a suitcase that was packed to the max. As uncle 'drew said "it was pregnant and looked ready to deliver". But I digress. T had to pay for the extra luggage fees cuz uhm...yeah totally broke at this point. Anyway, so I stood online for a while and the bus finally got to bmore. The bus was already almost full so only ten of us out of 24 got on the bus. Oh the 14 people that didn't get on the bus were so pissed off they started yelling and cussing the bus driver out. I was the last let on the bus and I tried to hide my smug relief with a look of pity which almost got me cussed out to.

Unfortuneately because I was so late getting on the bus all the good seats were taken. I sat next to a matronly lady who kept talking about her marathon racing and across from a blind guy who had serious B.O. 'course I didn't know he was blind until we got to N.Y.

After repetedly spraying my vanilla body splash in my hoody, I proceeded to chat with the driver to keep him awake because he kept swerving. I guess when you are the first seat on the bus you can see every swerve and get as motion sick as you possibly can.

So the smell of vanilla combined with human flesh and unwashed toilet (you could smell it from the front) and the smell of greyhound bus, petroleum and bad breathe (I didn't buy gum for my trip) kept me awake and very motion sick.

Arriving in N.Y. I jet from the bus and move to my transfer bus gate. Thinking that I can catch a couple z's while waiting 2 hours for my transfer, I set my pregnant case on the ground and I sat atop it. A young male approached me and told me this long story that ended with him needing money. Unfortuneatley for him and me I didn't have any money and I politely explained it to him. He got mad. And started cussing me out. Now I had to options, respond and get bitch slapped or ignore him. He kept yelling" looking at your shoes, look at your cell phone, You wanna tell me you don't got a dollar, you a stingy ho" and other stuff along that line. I decided to ignore him and not get slapped at 2 in the morning. So I stayed awake and waited in high alert and anticipation for my transfer. Guess who was the first on it? Moi

It too stank! so with the smell and my adrenaline still pumping I stayed alert until I arrived at queens.

Two things
Baby looked so good and I realized (in an overwhelming feeling) how much I really truly missed him. Ahhhhh I got my giant warm hugs! I missed my giant warm hugs. The rest I leave to your imagination! Asewo! get your mind out of the gutter!

I will never take a Greyhound again. At least for a while.

So when I got to his parents house. I slept. I had a good dream and woke up to my voicemail telling me I missed a call from my mother in Nigeria! Oh well! I woke up just in time to get ready for my meeting.

Ciao peeps! I miss Bmore! I love you family and see you in August!


Vixen said...

Welcome back. I know your man missed you like crazy. You and your greyhound should ask yourself, why are all the crazies attracted to you? I think it has something to do with the twins;)

Dami said...

awwww... miss you lots! as you were leaving, i was like dang, no more b. lol @ dabu. yeah... you should see the program template. i'm such a retard but it's okay. here's to august. don't break your back with your lyrical dance. oh wait... you already did. oh by the way, i think you forgot your belt with me. no evil grand scheme on my part (muaaahahahhaaaaa!) will talk to you later. take care love! and yeah! i'm gonna whoop your ass! i lost a pound. LOL!

Poetic Justice said...

Ahhh you have my belt, I have your keys! we are even!

Anonymous said...

girl...don't make me
sorry to hear about the krazies you ran into...anywhoo take care.

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