This is dedicated to Vixen
Searching in the night
I find myself seeking a place
To lay
To rest the ever waring turmoil
My day brings
I find myself seeking a place
To become
The person that I once was
I find myself seeking to find
The one area on earth
That envelopes me with love
Warmth, coolness and comfort
A place where dancing naked in front
Of my window
I can gaze over landscapes of
Time and not wonder
Where next I shall find myself
A place where throwing a tantrum
In an attempt to find that outfit
I leave only to return
To the comfort that sorounds the chaos
That my rested mind can brin
My own abode,
my own home...
When will I find my place, my own, my home? Still I search on...
Okay enough deep stuff. I am back in CT. Yep the very hot CT. Can you imagine. I thought I would be coming back to cool weather after all the winter sucked with its freezing below zero weather but boy was I wrong. Either that or Vice President Al Gore has this whole global warming thing figured out! It is hot and I am sweating even though the AC is on the highest level possible.
Did I mention I am in CT! To be precise I live here now. Reality check time... I need a minute! On a serious note, I kind a missed my place of abode. At least that's what Baby and I are calling it until we can move into our home. Did I mention that we are house hunting?! Yep. I have decided that damn the Nigerian stereotype of what I should and should not do. Forget them. I refuse to return to the dorm. I refuse to live with roomates! Once bitten, twice shy. Now I just have to find a job so we can afford a good mortgage...anyone hiring?
So, after my one month of vacation this is what I have learned
1. There is no place like the wonderful arms of the one you love (awwwww, okay I need to go get another hug, give me a minute I will be right back)
2. There is no reason why you can't have real friends. I mean drop the fake people in your life. One real friend is good enough. And if you are lucky like me, you get a whole family of really cool, real friends
3. I am a diva! and I am mad expensive. I apologize T and D for all the expenses I put you through! But in the end you have only one life to live so if you want to spend over 50 bucks on a bag (no names or was that 40?) or on a pair of shoes, hey go for it. I woult hold you back. Just don't tell on me too.
4. I am responsible. Except when it comes to shopping and then again, which gorgeous diva isn't
5. I am a proud Nigerian....wait! This doesn't count, I have always been a proud Nigerian.
6. I am getting married! I just had to say this because in reality, it hasn't hit me yet. p.s. D has it hit you yet?
7. I miss my family. Being around another person's family makes you realize that there is no bond stronger than sisterhood. And yeah, I knew that but I really missed mine and hope that all's well that end's well someday.
8. uhm...did I say that I have the most good looking friends? oh i didn't did I? well stop fishing for compliments. Okay fine! ya'll are some good lookign chics, in a "I am not a lesbian, I love my baby" sort of way
9. I am a good friend! Despite what you have heard from the enemies. I am a good friend!
10. I LOVE MY LIFE! and I intend (despite my situations) to be happy. I know I will have my moments but what I experienced this month was better than any therapy that a doctor could give!
So because its 12:50 a.m. and I am still awake, I will retire with a challenge. I have lost 6 pounds people. Can you catch up? (actually I have only lost 3 but hey double or nothing right?). Gotta get my beauty sleep
lady u gonna put me out there like that? well just for the record the bag was 40 bucks and i still can't find a damn thing to wear with
Oh speaking on weighloss i have gist 4 u. i went back to NY & Company to find that polka dot dress. guess what size fit me? a 2. muahahahaa.....its either i'm down from 6 or it was vanity tagging (i hope not).
anyway...number 9 on your list is the truest...i don't know who else will sit and cut 150 invites for a friend. i can't even do it for my own sis...neva!!!!!
ok. ok. i'm missing u too much. i smell a roadtrip to CT coming soon. lol
LOL @ enemies (9).
yeah.. dabu is missing bu. very seriously.
don't scare me with the 6lb weight loss... we're still looking for friendly scales down here.
it is almost hitting me. sometimes i think it has. other times, i know it hasn't. lemme start saving for naija next year. i'll be looking fly in silver and aquamarine.
@monkeygirl - you are a size 6 for juniors. when you get to ladies, we're talking 2s.
i'll let you know when i skim that neighbohood.
yeah girl, you need to get your lazy hands on some cover paper and start cutting something or else, i'll cut u!
Dami- send me what you need me to do. All I am doing right now is sitting on my ass watching re-runs of Sex and the City.
Monkeygurl-I didn't mention names oh! and uhm size 2? okay whatever you do don't loose the booty.
Looking forward to that roadtrip!
dami why u gotta bring me fair.
Thanks for the poem. Maaaan, I feel so left out:)
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