Thursday, May 25, 2006

My Grades Are In

Can I get a drum roll...
Let me start off by saying 21 credits people and what do I have to show for it?
(in case you don't know how to calculate 21 credits is 7 classes)

3 A+
3 A-
1 B+


I worked my but off and this is all I have to show for it. One fucking B+ and it was in accounting. I am still mad because I think my teacher messed up my grades. i can't wait to get the hell out of here. Baltimore get ready for some serious partying and having FUN!!! Can we say beach and clubbing. I don't care, I deserve it. Dammit I think I did an excellent job! But that B+ is messing up my perfect GPA of 3.8 (yeah I forgot about the 4.0 halfway through the quarter) so uhm, I am calling the teacher right now. I was pulling an A+ in that class and I want my A+ on my report card, i think she miss calculated.

Thanks Dami for those kind words. I am getting there. Give me time...Thanks Vixen for your call, I am working on it! See you ladies in Bmore soonnnnnnnnnnnn. Oh Dami, I found us a carpenter if he would just return my phone call. He left a message that he would be willing to do it, but he hasn't called me back after that.

Adios people and I will be expecting the congratulations (champaign and wine and presents for doing you proud) in the mail. Call for my addy!


Vixen said...

We go wash am o!

Anonymous said...

Lady B is baaaack....nice grades gurl.

Dami said...

manischewitz, eh?

Poetic Justice said...

Can I get some orange juice and vodka on the rocks with that, and a bottle of some nice White Wine (very dry)

I can't wait to see you guys. Next week I will be there. Uhmmm Tope get some clubs lined up! Gotta party!

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