Can I get a drum roll...
Let me start off by saying 21 credits people and what do I have to show for it?
(in case you don't know how to calculate 21 credits is 7 classes)
3 A+
3 A-
1 B+
I worked my but off and this is all I have to show for it. One fucking B+ and it was in accounting. I am still mad because I think my teacher messed up my grades. i can't wait to get the hell out of here. Baltimore get ready for some serious partying and having FUN!!! Can we say beach and clubbing. I don't care, I deserve it. Dammit I think I did an excellent job! But that B+ is messing up my perfect GPA of 3.8 (yeah I forgot about the 4.0 halfway through the quarter) so uhm, I am calling the teacher right now. I was pulling an A+ in that class and I want my A+ on my report card, i think she miss calculated.
Thanks Dami for those kind words. I am getting there. Give me time...Thanks Vixen for your call, I am working on it! See you ladies in Bmore soonnnnnnnnnnnn. Oh Dami, I found us a carpenter if he would just return my phone call. He left a message that he would be willing to do it, but he hasn't called me back after that.
Adios people and I will be expecting the congratulations (champaign and wine and presents for doing you proud) in the mail. Call for my addy!
We go wash am o!
Lady B is baaaack....nice grades gurl.
manischewitz, eh?
Can I get some orange juice and vodka on the rocks with that, and a bottle of some nice White Wine (very dry)
I can't wait to see you guys. Next week I will be there. Uhmmm Tope get some clubs lined up! Gotta party!
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