Thursday, May 18, 2006

My Friend Ifiiiiiiiiiiiii....

A beautiful regal african beauty! graduated today with her medical degree. Ifiiiiiiiiii is the only one i know that went to med school and enjoyed every minute of it. She is one of those amazing people that is just never ever upset. I have yet to see her get mad or angry. She doesn't know how to interlize anything. Everything is an experience that she takes and goes on with life.

And she is sooooooooooooooooooooooo deserving of her degree. I am inspired by her tenaciousness (if that is even a word, I heard it somewhere and decided to use it cause last time I heard it it was used as a positive).

I have only a handful of people in my life that I can call my friends. I have had to learn the hard way through tears and blood and sweat what to do with people who are phony. I have learned and Ifiiiiiiiiiiiiii has stood the test of time. One in a million. It was such a beautiful ceremony for a beautiful doctor. So yeah....uhm...if you ever need a doctor go to NJ and see Ifiiiiiiiiiii, and uhm don't give her a hard time cause she is an amazing spirit.

I love you girl and congratulations. Next stop CT, pack my crap out of the dorm and go to Bmore! for parties and wedding planning. Will my life ever slow down...If it does, I would probably loose my sanity with boredom. Adios mon Cheri!


Vixen said...

Ummm, just for the record everyone, her real name isn't Dr. Ifiiiiii. That's just a nickname.

Anonymous said...

Yeah chicka...we're waiting for you here in Balto. nko...when will we see your face?

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